Saturday, August 1, 2009

Everyone dies, but no one is dead

We arachnid, we resourceful.
For months now I've had hair on the brain... it's alive, its dead it lasts forever, but it falls out. Hair is part of a person, but it isn't. It's renewable...sometimes.
Thinking about this wreath @ the
Peabody Historical Society, Peabody , MA. Horseshoe shaped and from across the room this appears to be just dried flowers. It was made in 1857, is a stunning example of "fancywork." "Fancywork " or "hair work" was typically created by women and utilized their own hair or that of a loved one. (Often locks of hair were traded between lovers as a precursor to the photograph.) Also given as mementos. In this case, each flower in this piece represents an individual from the artist's church congregation. The hair is tightly wound and neatly configured into flowers and butterflies. Both beautiful and temporary...

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